All N64 Games #376: Pokémon Puzzle League

Posted 12 Jan 2025 at 11:17 by Dean Jones
The lack of a Japanese release for this is interesting for a few reasons. For starters, it is one of the few (if only, alongside the GBC version) Pokémon games to not get released in Japan. It’s also a version of a Japanese puzzle game called Panel De Pon, which was released on the SNES and known outside of Japan as Tetris Attack, featuring Yoshi.
A sequel for Panel De Pon was developed for the Nintendo 64 and ended up getting cancelled, although it did eventually make its way to the GameCube. The Western version, however, ended up still getting developed with the Pokémon licensing attached.
However, it wasn’t just a generic Pokémon theme, but one specifically relating to the English dubbing of the anime. The game opens up with a nice little animation featuring Ash, Pikachu, Oak, and the narrator from the show introducing the game, and various voice lines from the show are used throughout. The theming is really well done, and they’ve managed to fit everything around Pokémon extremely well.
As a puzzle game, it’s also a really good one, with nice symbols used instead of just colours (you can also swap from the Pokémon themed icons to the original Panel De Pon ones). The object is to swap two neighbouring blocks in order to form blocks of three, with the focus on clearing multiple groups or combos at once – which sends over bad blocks to your opponent. It’s fast paced, but also feels like you can plan fairly well. If you do find yourself clearing lines too quickly, you can also press a button to speed them up, to give you more to work with.
There are also a few different ways to play, with the most impressive being a 3D version, played in a cylinder that you rotate all the way round. While there’s a lot more to keep an eye on at any one time, you can quickly move some blocks a vast distance to score some good combos. There’s also a mode for solving specific puzzles, and a mode where you have to clear a set number of lines to defeat Team Rocket.
Pokémon Puzzle League is a solid and very enjoyable puzzle game, and the Pokémon theming works really well. There’s a lot to like about this one.
In all honesty, it’s extremely difficult to find fault with Puzzle League. Nintendo haven’t skimped in any area: the backgrounds on each screen show faithful renditions of your Pokémon favourites; the sound is perfectly cute and chirpy and there’s an ideal learning curve. For puzzle fanatics and Pokémon fans alike, this is not to be missed.
Geraint Evans, N64 Magazine #52. Review Score: 89%
Remake or remaster?
We’re due a new Puzzle League game. Perhaps it’s time to return to Pokémon for it, too?
Official Ways to get the game
There is no way to buy a new copy of Pokémon Puzzle League, the only official way to play is to rent it via the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pak.
2003: Nintendo Puzzle Collection (original Panel De Pon Version, Japan Only, GameCube)
2008: Wii Virtual Console
2022: Nintendo Switch Online (Subscription Only)