All N64 Games #382: Cruis’n Exotica

Posted 18 Jan 2025 at 12:38 by Dean Jones
The third and final Cruis’n game on the N64, and this is more of the same dull racing gameplay, just with slightly more visual flair. At least at certain points of the game – many of the assets are more like cardboard standees, so, for brief moments, the game looks great before looking incredibly fake after a few seconds of movement. The short bouts of spectacle really stand out, but they’re over before long, and that, along with the game’s sense of speed, are all it has going for it.
There’s a large number of tracks and vehicles, all with fun themes and styles. The issue comes from how neither the tracks or cars feel unique in any way – the tracks all feel wide and like a straight line, and the cars don’t offer much in the way of control. You can create a short compilation of footage that looks amazing, but playing the game quickly gets dull.
The first thing you’ll notice is the obscene amount of pop-up. Brigdges, mountains and…well, everything suddenly materalises out of nowhere about 50 metres down the track. So, no matter how fast the game’s actually running, you can’t help but feeling that you’re playing a sub-standard launch title. Hardly the sort of thing you expect to see four years into a console’s life.
Geraint Evans, N64 Magazine #50. Review Score: 43%
Remake or remaster?
A collection of Curis’n games with better controls might work well.
Official Ways to get the game
There is no official way to get Cruis’n Exotica.