All N64 Games #91: Rampage: World Tour
Posted 12 Aug 2024 at 11:25 by Dean Jones
Some arcade games are great for playing for hours, making home console ports good ways to play. Others are fun for 10 minute bursts and you see how soulless they are if you sit down for much longer. Rampage is one of the latter games.
You take control of one of three monsters (not-King Kong, not-Godzilla and a wolf monster) and smash buildings and eat people. Being a monster is fun to start with, but the fun only lasts for a few minutes as you smash up the same few types of buildings again and again. There’s zero variety – once you’ve played the first level, you’ve pretty much experienced the whole game.
It all feels a bit clunky, too, smashing buildings feels a bit awkward as you have to jump onto them to start the process, movement just isn’t fluid and there aren’t many ways to take out a building. Everything already felt dated when it came out on the N64, and time hasn’t helped it out.
That said, Rampage World Tour is an accurate port of the arcade game, which itself is an accurate update of the original. If you really, really wanted to play Rampage at home, this provided that experience – it just didn’t do anything else.
The ‘World Tour’ of the title amounts to only a minor change of scenery to indicate the general area of the world you’re currently trashing – snow for Moscow, sun for Madrid, Stonehenge for Liverpool (?), etc.
Martin Kitts, N64 Magazine #16. Review Score: 54%
Remake or Remaster?
You can throw all the Rampage games on a collection.
Official Ways to get the game
There’s no official way to play Rampage World Tour