Media: New Wii Sports Resort Modes Shown

Posted 17 May 2009 at 21:41 by guest
A new Japanese commercial shows off two new modes for Wii Sports Resort: Golf and Table Tennis. See pics and the video inside!
The only known modes for Wii Sports Resort to date were Sword Play, Jet Skiing (called Power Cruising) and Frisbee. But now Nintendo have briefly shown the world that Golf and Table Tennis will also be appearing in the sequel to the immensely popular Wii Sports.

Don't forget to put on those wrist straps!
While Golf and Table Tennis may seem like familiar ground, the use of Wii Motion Plus will certainly make a big difference. There are still around five other sports yet to be revealed... Click below for the new trailer!
MotionPlus Table Tennis:
MotionPlus Golf:
Wii Sports Resort comes out in Europe on the 24th of July and in the US two days later and of course, it comes with the add-on everyone's talking about: Wii Motion Plus.