News: Hold It! Phoenix Wright T-Shirt Available

Even though Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney isn't out until the end of March in Europe we're sure fans of the series will be delighted to know that you can purchase a t-shirt with one of the game's catchphrases on, "hold it!".

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney is due out at the end of March in Europe and is bound to be a success with DS fans due to its unusual genre and use of the DS' features. During trials in the game if you feel that a witness is lying you have to shout "Objection" towards your DS, which causes a big "Hold It!" to flash up, reminiscent of the Batman television series of the 60s.

An American-based clothing site called "Way of the Rodent" is offering a t-shirt with that very catchphrase. The shirt is �18, which includes the P&P to the UK. So if you're a big fan of the game then be sure to check out the shirt.

While you're there you may wish to look around, there are quite a few shirts based on gaming culture, including Tetris, Ico and one particular shirt that caught our attention. Who wouldn't want a picture of Shigsy across their chest?

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