News: Japanese WiiWare Site Launched

Posted 03 Mar 2008 at 16:28 by Nathan Whincup
A currently limited site for the Japanese version of WiiWare has been launched.
WiiWare (Wii Software in Europe) - a service which allows developers to go wild with creativity and create original downloadable titles, which can be bought from the Wii Shop Channel. We've seen fantastic original efforts such as PL�TTCHEN - twist 'n' paint, Gravitronix and Pop, and even rehashes of existing franchises like Final Fantasy and Defend Your Castle, both of which even manage to look like completely original and fresh games.
The newly launched Japanese WiiWare website shows off some of the games which are expected to launch this month in Japan, including Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Star Soldier R, Mojipittan Wii, Pokemon Ranch, Dr. Mario & Saikin Bokumetsu, Maruboushikaku, Minna de Puzzloop, Bomberman, Okiraku Ping Pong Wii, Tenshi no Solitaire, and Joysound. A few pictures are also available, though there isn't anything new to be seen.
Unfortunately, there's still no release date for WiiWare in Europe, though our American readers can expect to begin downloading some original goodies on May 12th.