News: Kirby's Air Ride Direct-Feed Movies
Posted 30 Jul 2003 at 17:51 by Tim Symons

Kirby�one of the Nintendo characters we don't hear about as often as Mario, Link or even Pikachu for example, occasionally his name pops up but not for a considerable amount of time. Now the pink blob takes the limelight once more and it looks like it could turn Kirby into a famous star�
We captured some wicked direc-feed movies showing off some single-payer racing action, multiplayer modes, and the intro FMV. The come in different sizes. You can use the links below to download the directly to your PC.
The game features three multiplayer modes, which can all three be seen in the movies. The three modes are: The Air Ride and Top Ride modes, which offer 3- and 2-D racing, respectively, while the City Trial mode takes the battle action from the Air Ride mode and turns it into a race for power-ups before launching players into full-on tournament battle.
For more info on the game head on over to our preview. Expect a full import review on the game at Cube-Europe in the near future! We hope you enjoy the movies.