News: LostWinds Sequel Confirmed

Posted 14 May 2008 at 11:41 by Nathan Whincup
Frontier have already announced a sequel for their premier WiiWare title, the rather charming LostWinds.
Next Tuesday, WiiWare will launch in Europe, bringing with it a plethora of exciting titles, including Defend Your Castle, Dr. Mario and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. British developer Frontier appear to be extremely confident with their own offering, the gorgeous LostWinds, as they have announced a sequel for it on their website already!
Readers are told to sign up for the Frontier newsletter to receive the latest news on LostWinds 2 (tentative title), which is set to continue the galeforce adventures of protagonists Toku and Enril. The IGN podcast team are under the impression that the sequel will be released on WiiWare again, so fingers crossed, eh?