News: New WiiWare Title Revealed!

Posted 20 Feb 2008 at 10:06 by Stephen Thomson
A new WiiWare title has been revealed by Nintendo. Click inside for the scoop...
Lostwinds, a new WiiWare title developed and published by Frontier has been revealed today along with some screenshots. Lostwinds puts the power of winds in your very hands, not literally but through the Wii-mote. You control Enril, the wind spirit to guide and protect a young boy named Toku, the only person who can break the curse placed upon the world of Mistralis by evil Balasar.
Enril uses his powers to help the young hero by "powering his jumps and glides through Mistralis' different regions, buffeting and smashing enemies, and solving puzzles. Screens of the game can be found below:
Stay with N-Europe for future games announced for WiiWare.