News: WiiWare Wi-Fi!

Posted 10 Oct 2007 at 13:09 by Adam Ducker
Nintendo have confirmed Wi-Fi play for one of their new WiiWare titles... but which one?
Hot on the heels of the wealth of WiiWare titles announced today, Nintendo has also revealed that Dr. Mario: Bacteria & Extermination will feature online multi-player. Along with the regular competitive modes it will also include a 4 co-op player mode version of the Saikin Bokumetsu game from the Japanese version of Brain Age 2. The option to replace the Dr. Mario on screen with your Mii is another neat feature available in the game.
Announcements like this clearly show how seriously Nintendo is taking the WiiWare service seriously and there is every reason for Wii owners to be excited when the service launches early next year.