Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is hosting a Transformation themed tournament

The latest tournament in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is live until the end of the weekend. It's based around Transformation, which includes many characters, including the recent DLC characters Pyra and Mythra.

Here's the original Tweet...

blockquote class="twitter-tweet">

dir="ltr">【トーナメントイベント】br>3/12(金)から3日間、「百花繚乱! いろんな姿のファイターたち」を開催!カラーチェンジによって変身したり、別人になったり、身に着けているものの形が変わるファイターのみ出場できるトーナメントです。 勝ち進むほど、豪華なスピリッツが手に入ります。#スマブラSP

— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) March 10, 2021/blockquote> script async src="" charset="utf-8">/script>

Do you have a favourite fighter who can transform? Does the 'Bait and Switch' gameplay style of certain characters appeal to you? What theme would you choose for a tournament?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.

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